ArTeS: Architecture, Technology and Sustainability <h1>About the Journal</h1> <p><strong>Architecture, Technology and Sustainability</strong> (ArTeS) is a Journal International by the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Guayaquil, created in January 2022. It is a publication with international coverage that disseminates advances in knowledge about the <strong>use of technologies and the application of computer systems</strong> to enhance the <strong>decision-making process</strong> in research, <strong>development, and innovation</strong> projects from an academic/scientific perspective. The journal aims to publish original contributions of high quality, proposing inter and multidisciplinary approaches. ArTeS journal is aimed at students, professors and researchers interested in the search for sustainable solutions in Architecture and Urbanism.</p> Universidad de Guayaquil en-US ArTeS: Architecture, Technology and Sustainability 2953-6499 <p>You are free to:</p> <p><strong>Share </strong>— copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format</p> <p>The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.</p> <p><strong>Under the following terms:</strong></p> <p><strong>Attribution </strong>— You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.</p> <p><strong>NonCommercial </strong>— You may not use the material for commercial purposes.</p> <p><strong>NoDerivatives </strong>— If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material.</p> <p><strong>No additional restrictions</strong> — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.</p> Decrease in the heritage wealth and cultural experience of Guayaquil, Ecuador <p>The decrease in cultural wealth and experience in Guayaquil, Ecuador, is a concerning issue that has led to the loss of essential elements of the city's identity and deeply rooted traditions. Throughout the years, Guayaquil has been an emblem of cultural diversity and heritage richness. Still, lately, a shadow of concern hovers over the city due to the decline of its cultural legacy. The article emphasizes the importance of preserving and revitalizing Guayaquil's cultural heritage to enrich social life and community cohesion and boost the city's tourist appeal. There is a recognized need to connect the existing cultural nodes in Guayaquil, such as museums, theaters, and iconic public spaces, to create an integrated and accessible artistic experience for residents and visitors. The methodology applied in the article includes an analysis of the city's cultural and urban context, along with an urban approach based on Jan Gehl's "Six Steps to Transform Public Space." Based on this methodology, strategies are proposed to counteract this cultural decline. Among these strategies is creating a cultural route that connects and promotes Guayaquil's cultural nodes, revitalizing urban spaces and encouraging citizen participation. Additionally, the installation of urban furniture and green areas is suggested. Through these actions, the goal is to ensure that Guayaquil's cultural legacy endures over time and enriches the lives of both Guayaquileños and visitors.</p> Derly Ramirez Maytte Revilla Copyright (c) 2023 Derly Ramirez, Maytte Revilla 2023-08-30 2023-08-30 5 1 1 8 Node connection Equipment Cultural in Guayaquil, Ecuador <p>In recent years there has been a marked abandonment in the conservation and promotion of these cultural spaces due to the lack of information provided, which has caused their gradual deterioration and their decrease as community assets, as a result of a lack of interest in the part of citizens towards these facilities. It is proposed as a solution to give a different meaning to these cultural spaces of the city through the method of tactical urbanism and to intervene in previously studied streets of the city. Tactical urbanism is a method that seeks to temporarily intervene in the city to provide a better lifestyle to citizens through low-cost actions. The application of tactical urbanism in various city streets would not only strengthen the presence of cultural facilities. Still, it would also promote the participation of citizens and provide a dynamic use to these areas. The aim is to encourage the community and offer a valuable space for promoting cultural life in the city through urban interventions such as temporary installations in the streets and cultural activities. This strategy aims to create a kind of reflection on the importance of investing in the city's cultural heritage. With the help of tactical urbanism, a different point of view is achieved in the community, generating an idea of the merit and protection of the cultural facilities of the city.&nbsp;</p> Maytte Revilla Derly Ramirez Copyright (c) 2023 Maytte Revilla, Derly Ramirez 2023-08-30 2023-08-30 5 1 9 15 Connection of Spaces cultural in Guayaquil, Ecuador <p>Summary. The following text is based on the proposal of an urban route that connects different points of cultural spaces in the city of Guayaquil; it is carried out using sustainable tourist transport corresponding to the distances of the cultural spaces and thus modifying surrounding streets with inclusive mobility and more than anything sustainable because the city does not have pedestrian transfer systems suitable for the different mobile deficiencies of the inhabitants. It aspires to promote the importance of the various cultural spaces that Guayaquil offers and encourage citizens to nourish themselves with culture in a comfortable, efficient, and functional way. As part of the solution, information is also offered on the application of a method of urban regeneration: multimodal streets; it consists of intervening in strategic roads of the city, creating a system of semi-pedestrianization in previously studied streets, and encouraging citizens to walk and, in turn, through the previously proposed connection of cultural spaces, creating curiosity towards the Guayaquil culture. The investigation declares information about the different route points that join, clarifying why these spaces were chosen. It is proposing a type of research of a qualitative nature due to the analysis conducted. As a helpful tool, the research provides information provided by Saldarriaga and considers the Sustainable Development Goals established by the 2030 Agenda.</p> Nathaly Aguilar Jeniffer Velez Copyright (c) 2023 Nathaly Aguilar, Jeniffer Velez 2023-08-30 2023-08-30 5 1 16 22 Node Connection Patrimonial in Guayaquil, Ecuador <p>Guayaquil is one of the cities with a high rate of deficiencies in terms of pedestrian and vehicular mobility; it is essential to focus on the fact that the city's mass transportation and its urban environment need to change in order to mitigate the high incidence of pollution and promote sustainable transportation, creating places, plazas and connection centers for pedestrians. A solution to the lack of parking, walkable public space and multimodal and accessible mobility is proposed. The proposal is based on presenting recreational and leisure spaces for citizens through a pedestrian route where the focus is on Avenida 9 de Octubre, to motivate the use of public spaces free of vehicular pollution to take advantage of the city's heritage facilities. At the same time, it proposes an approach to its most emblematic buildings, which have been restored without losing the individuality that makes them representative. The purpose of the project is to promote a connecting plaza is created, with the different public spaces that are located on the main road that connects Av. 9 de Octubre with the Malecón 2000 and its surroundings. The detailed exploration of theoretical tools, based on the methodology of Jan Gehl, and the investigative approaches of Pin Guerrero, point to a strategic proposal of mixed character, presenting a connection of patrimonial nodes oriented to divert the vehicular collapse that exists on the avenue, and creating a central esplanade that is complemented with urban furniture and green areas.</p> Jeniffer Velez Nathaly Aguilar Copyright (c) 2023 Jeniffer Velez, Nathaly Aguilar 2023-08-30 2023-08-30 5 1 23 28 Mural Connection Cultural in Guayaquil, Ecuador <p>The research establishes a unique relationship between mural art, public spaces, and iconic places in Guayaquil. It provides an ideal setting to propose practices that integrate society, community, and the urban aspects of this context. Urban art allows us to rehabilitate and enhance new experiences, resulting in the expansion of cultural identity and social cohesion. This project proposes an urban intervention of Panama Street through a pedestrian passage, to connect the artistic context, such as the murals found in this section of the city, with the natural border of urban growth. The first node is set to be established at Panama Street, serving as an initial proposal to encourage cultural strengthening and identity. Keywords: Reduced mobility, mass transportation, pollution, public spaces. The objective is to achieve a clear understanding of the most critical aspects of murals and urban art, delving into the history that these paintings depict helping to distinguish the significant urban features of the city. Additionally, it links the community with social actions, as some elements promote the study of mural artworks found in the most influential public streets.</p> Génesis Obrien Christian Zambrano Copyright (c) 2023 Génesis Obrien, Christian Zambrano 2023-08-30 2023-08-30 5 1 29 34