Urban Living Labs in fostering the connection of communities with nature





Urban Living Labs, reconnection, nature, sustainability


This essay seeks to encourage the conversation about Urban Living Labs in generating or strengthening the connection of human beings with nature. The relationship between mankind and nature in various instances, as well as the factors that have influenced in the disconnection are analyzed. Then, some proposals for reconnection are mentioned, such as the ecosystem perspective and ecocentrism; this as a context for the detailed analysis of the Urban Living Labs. Thus, the characteristics and potential of the Urban Living Labs for the reintegration of human beings with nature are detailed from individual and collective collaborative perspectives.

Author Biography

Gina Moyano Morán, Universidad de Guayaquil

Docente investigadora, Universidad de Guayaquil, Ecuador, Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación, Carrera de Turismo.


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2024-06-30 — Updated on 2024-10-03


How to Cite

Moyano Morán, G. (2024). Urban Living Labs in fostering the connection of communities with nature. Scripta Mundi, 3(1), 90–102. https://doi.org/10.53591/scmu.v3i1.245 (Original work published June 30, 2024)