Comunicación mediática y redes sociales: el debate sobre la regulación
social media, communication , digital media, Ecuador, regulation, StateAbstract
The arrival and generalization of social networks and the digital sphere opened new debates about the advantages and risks of this type of platforms, from the most optimistic positions to the most sceptical. Furthermore, it also takes up previous debates already developed in the conventional media sphere, which is the possibility of state intervention through specific regulation of the sector. In this way, the dispute over the regulation of social networks reproduces in some elements the dispute over the regulation of the media.
In this work, a review is made of the characteristics of the media and social networks in Ecuador to enter an approach to the possible regulation of the digital public sphere, taking into account the main dimensions of this problem. To do this, a compilation of the main academic literature that addresses the problem is made and the data on the use of social networks for the case of Ecuador is analysed based on the most recent public surveys.
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