Urban strategies applying green and blue infrastructure focused on sustainable development. Case study: 3rd stage Malecón Villamil Playas


  • Ronaldo Arteaga Universidad de Guayaquil
  • Maria Echeverría Novacero
  • Bryan Colorado Pástor Universidad de Guayaquil


Sustainable development, urban regeneration, urban strategies, green and blue Infrastructure


El Malecón Lineal del Cantón Villamil Playas fue un proyecto urbano-arquitectónico ejecutado por la Prefectura del Guayas en conjunto con el Municipio de Playas. Este espacio recreativo consta de una larga extensión costera; por esta razón, el proyecto se dividió en tres etapas, de las cuales 2 de 3 se encuentran concluidas; esta última etapa es una oportunidad de intervención urbana regenerativa. Las inundaciones en el sector de Esterillo, Villamil Playas, Ecuador, han venido incrementándose exponencialmente en las últimas décadas debido a varios factores influyentes, como las aguas y las lluvias. Esto ha afectado el comercio, el turismo, la salud e incluso la seguridad del sector. Por esta razón, este estudio propone estrategias de desarrollo sostenible mediante la implementación de infraestructura azul y verde. La metodología utilizada fue cualitativa, con un alcance descriptivo. El diseño de investigación fue no experimental-transaccional, y se utilizaron como instrumentos la ficha de observación y la encuesta. Los resultados más importantes indican que implementar infraestructura azul y verde puede traer múltiples beneficios en los que se utilizan eficientemente los recursos para el uso de los cuerpos de agua y la protección a través de la cobertura vegetal expresados ​​en 4 propuestas estratégicas. Se concluye que implementar estrategias enfocadas al desarrollo sustentable configura un entorno paisajístico que eleva la imagen urbana e integra los usos dirigidos de la población.

Author Biographies

Ronaldo Arteaga, Universidad de Guayaquil

Born in the city of Guayaquil Ecuador, Born in the city of Guayaqui, Ecuador, he is currently a graduate of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Guayaquil. During his university career he has been developing different knowledge that has helped him to have different criteria that, with perseverance and continuous learning, will increase.

Maria Echeverría, Novacero

Born in Guayaquil in 1999. I began my career studying Architecture, completing my training at the University of Guayaquil, from 2017 to the end of 2022. I worked as a Store Planner Assistant at Crecoscorp where I developed an interest in the branch of commercial architecture, seeking to increase my knowledge, I obtained a diploma in Window Dressing and Visual Merchandising at the Catholic University. As an organized and highly motivated person, I can achieve my short-term goals and always give my best in any project, while trying to work as a team and promote values such as camaraderie.

Bryan Colorado Pástor, Universidad de Guayaquil

Born in the city of Guayaquil Ecuador. Urbanist architect with a master's degree in Territorial Planning and Urbanism, I have worked on various investigations in the field of public space and urban accessibility for people with disabilities, currently I work for the University of Guayaquil in studies of progressive communal housing using architecture flexible space. Among the main research interests, my efforts focus on the sustainable development of the territory, the human being, and their habitat within the field of architecture.
Our research group is a multidisciplinary group interested in developing new technologies within the field of architecture and territorial planning to provide an optimal solution to problems within urban planning, construction, city development and people's ways of living. Our group is made up of three academics and we have extensive experience in executing research projects published in high-impact journals and books, laboratory, experimental, longitudinal studies, and qualitative approaches. And how many. These approaches have allowed us to develop a linear knowledge model that improves the ability to understand and manage new technologies to improve the quality of life and sustainability in the territory.




How to Cite

Arteaga, R., Echeverría, M., & Colorado Pástor, B. (2022). Urban strategies applying green and blue infrastructure focused on sustainable development. Case study: 3rd stage Malecón Villamil Playas. Artes: Architecture, Technology and Sustainability, 1(1), 17–25. Retrieved from https://revistas.ug.edu.ec/index.php/artes/article/view/319


