Architecture: a new human and technical relationship in the face of climate change.


  • Boris Forero Catholic University Santiago de Guayaquil



Architecture, climate change, mechanisms, technology


Having become an eminently urban species brings with it the already known impacts that feed the main greenhouse effect that causes the phenomenon of climate change. By 2020, activities linked to the construction industry, as well as architectural design, contribute about 38% of Greenhouse Gas – GHG emissions worldwide. The operation of buildings on a global scale, consume 35% of the energy produced worldwide, thus highlighting the responsibility that the architectural design activity has in this scenario. The discussion and reflections of the relationship of the human being and nature, understood as new ways of approaching through political ecology. Nature is now a creditor of rights, which traces a path of constant interaction between the parties involved as technological advances and the discipline of architecture.

Author Biography

Boris Forero, Catholic University Santiago de Guayaquil

Architect from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá, Colombia and Master in Bioclimatic Architecture from the University of Colima in Mexico. Accredited Researcher by SENESCYT in 2018. He is currently a Full-Time Professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Design of the Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil (UCSG). He has been a professor at the University of Guayaquil (UG), the University of Specialties Espiritu Santo (UEES) and the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (PUJ) in their Faculties of Architecture accumulating academic experience for 20 years. In addition, he has been a guest professor of the Master's Degree in Urbanism of the Eloy Alfaro Lay University of Manabí (ULEAM). He participated as director of a research project on Housing of Social Interest (UG) and was recently part of a project on the design and construction of social housing with eco-materials in Guayaquil, winner of the National Program of Financing for Research (INÉDITA) of the SENESCYT under the coordination of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) with the UCSG. He is the author of articles, papers and book chapters on bioclimatic architecture and housing of popular habitats. He has also worked in the design and construction of residences, in restoration and rehabilitation projects of buildings, museography, urbanism and territorial planning in Ecuador, Colombia and Mexico. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Architecture at the National University of Rosario (UNR), Argentina.



How to Cite

Forero, B. (2022). Architecture: a new human and technical relationship in the face of climate change . Artes: Architecture, Technology and Sustainability, 2(1), 10–15.


