Study of noise pollution in the area surrounding Delta Avenue using the app of Geographic Information Systems


  • Viviana Carolina Carrasco Vargas Universidad de Guayaquil
  • Gladys Milena Sánchez Vélez Universidad de Guayaquil
  • Bryan Alfonso Colorado Pástor Universidad de Guayaquil



Noise pollution, surveillance, noise map, sound level meter


The present research work evaluated the level of noise pollution in the area surrounding the University of Guayaquil, prioritizing the activity in the Avenidad Delta, located. The study was situated in the morning, evening and night hour analysis, where it is observed that among the possible causes is the agglomeration of vehicles responsible for the emission of noise due to the excessive use of horns. The methodology focuses on the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the problem using participant observation and noise capture through the sound level meter (db) application, exercise clusters of influence in certain areas. According to the results, most of the points in the study area exceed the maximum permissible noise limits. In addition to monitoring, a noise map showing the sound pressure intensities at each point was made using ArcGIS software. It is concluded that noise emissions are in a range from very annoying to very strong, for which strategies should be used that prevent the direct passage of noise to maintain the state of noise to intrusive and unnoticed, which helps concentration and development. of study activities.

Author Biographies

Viviana Carolina Carrasco Vargas , Universidad de Guayaquil

Was born in the city of Guayaquil Ecuador. Architecture student at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Guayaquil. Among the main research interests, my vision focuses on the analysis of sustainable strategies in the development of architecture, and the importance of creating environments related to the needs of people and their urban context. Directing my approach has allowed me to develop skills in the analysis of sustainable projects, management of design strategies and the use of new technologies to formulate proposals that improve the quality of life of people and the spaces where they develop

Gladys Milena Sánchez Vélez , Universidad de Guayaquil

Was born in the city of Guayaquil, Ecuador. Seventhsemester student of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of Guayaquil. Among the main research interests, focus on technology and construction, explore traditional processes through an approach that contributes to the preservation of cultural heritage, developing new techniques and technologies adapted to the place. This has allowed me to visualize and generate projects considering the impact that construction has on a global level.

Bryan Alfonso Colorado Pástor, Universidad de Guayaquil

Was born in the city of Guayaquil Ecuador. Urbanist architect with a master’s degree in Territorial Planning and Urbanism, I have worked on various investigations in the field of public space and urban accessibility for people with disabilities, currently I work for the University of Guayaquil in studies of progressive communal housing using architecture flexible space. Among the main research interests, my efforts focus on the sustainable development of the territory, the human being, and their habitat within the field of architecture


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How to Cite

Carrasco Vargas , V. C., Sánchez Vélez , G. M., & Colorado Pástor, B. A. (2022). Study of noise pollution in the area surrounding Delta Avenue using the app of Geographic Information Systems. Artes: Architecture, Technology and Sustainability, 2(1), 23–32.


