Integración BIM y GIS para proyectos de construcción. (Agosto 2022)


  • Hector Santacruz Vera Quintana Associates/Ecuador



Infraestructura, Ordenamiento territorial, perspectiva cultural y medioambiental, espacio público, recuperación


Historically, most construction projects are based on CAD data, GIS information is only used to evaluate the possible location of the project, which results in the non-use of a large amount of data related to the context of the project. project. GIS information allows us to access environmental, socioeconomic, cultural data, historical information on both pedestrian and vehicular mobility and most importantly, it gives us the understanding, based on precise data, of what the real impact of a project on the environment will be. of its implementation on the site. The BIM methodology is currently one of the most powerful tools for making decisions in complex construction projects based on the information analyzed during each stage of the project life cycle, but by itself, this methodology is not sufficient to understand the impact of a facility within a broader environment such as a region or a city, mainly because BIM focuses only on what happens with the facility and not how it affects its environment, this is where the strength of GIS becomes relevant when being able to use the information generated by BIM and extrapolate it to decision making within an environment that contextualizes several variables that, through specific analysis procedures, allow us to make more efficient planning decisions. In this article, the theoretical definitions will be left aside and the definitions applied to BIM and GIS in construction projects will be reviewed separately, also trying to see how these methodologies would be applied together.

Author Biography

Hector Santacruz, Vera Quintana Associates/Ecuador

Born in Ecuador in 1982, he has a master's degree in Project Management from the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja in Ecuador, a master's degree in BIM Management for Infrastructure and Civil Engineering from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Spain, is also a Scrum Master Professional Certified (SMPC), he also has certifications in agile methodologies (Agile in Program Management Office) and Business Continuity. He has more than 10 years of experience in the management of EPC projects for power generation, oil, and gas, currently working as a consultant for power generation projects. He has been developing research in the field of application of BIM methodologies as a management tool in EPC projects for more than 10 years and has been a speaker at several international conferences on the usefulness of BIM in project management. He has published the book BIM as a project management model, Ediloja, 2022. MSc. Santacruz is a Professional Member of American Society of Mechanical Engineering and a Member of the Project Management Institute.


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How to Cite

Santacruz, H. (2022). Integración BIM y GIS para proyectos de construcción. (Agosto 2022). Artes: Architecture, Technology and Sustainability, 2(1), 1–9.


