Study of the territorialization of citizen insecurity as a territorial component in Guayaquil, Ecuador.


  • Derly Tamara Ramírez Aguilar Consaporf SA
  • Maytte Ivonne Revilla Espinoza Consaporf SA



Uncertainty, Repression, Perception of insecurity, Social Disorder


Insecurity as a structuring component of the territory has developed in Ecuador as deficient management since instruments of public policies and citizen control are not used. In the present research work, the situation of the City of Guayaquil case study is evaluated, and the level of insecurity in the polygon indicated between Av. De las Américas, Av. Kennedy, Av. Delta and Av. José Santiago Castillo. The study analyzed the possible causes of insecurity, among which is the lack of police units in the area. The methodology is oriented towards the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the problem using participant observation. In addition to a comparative study of the level of insecurity depending on the type of crime. Finally, the mapping of urban voids, police points, and public lighting that indicates the areas was developed using the ArcGIS software. It is concluded that insecurity is most

Author Biographies

Derly Tamara Ramírez Aguilar, Consaporf SA

Born in Piñas, Ecuador, architecture student at the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning of the University of Guayaquil, currently in the eighth semester. He has participated in events presented by the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning of the University of Guayaquil such as the expofau, through the theme of projects, working in different fields of architecture and different types of urban planning and design projects. His fields of interest and possible future lines of research consist of new forms of sustainable design, urban design and its relationship with people. As well as the implementation of environmental awareness criteria in future design projects.

Maytte Ivonne Revilla Espinoza, Consaporf SA

He was born in Quininde, Ecuador, a student at the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning of the University of Guayaquil, currently in the eighth semester. He has participated in ExpoFau Faculty events, in presentations of projects carried out in class. Among the main research interests, my vision focuses on the analysis of urban architecture, and the importance of creating spaces that integrate with the city, and thus help the quality of life of the inhabitants.


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How to Cite

Ramírez Aguilar, D. T., & Revilla Espinoza, M. I. (2023). Study of the territorialization of citizen insecurity as a territorial component in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Artes: Architecture, Technology and Sustainability, 4(1).


