Urban strategies for the reactivation of public space in the central area of Cuenca, Ecuador


  • Paula Morán Icaza CZ Arkdesign
  • Ariana Paulette De La Rosa Rocafuerte CZ Arkdesign
  • Marilyn Daniela Herrera Guaranda CZ Arkdesign
  • Nirvana Rashel Reyes Miranda CZ Arkdesign
  • Anthony Carlos Burgos Vargas CZ Arkdesign




Urban strategies, Public spaces, Green areas, Strategic guidelines, Urban furniture


Urbanism in cities has consolidated a means of accelerated real estate development that does not have enough development of public spaces that go unnoticed by most users, a similar case is visualized in the Central Helmet of Cuenca where crime and the characteristics of the design of furniture in public space give way to being abandoned and that they are dangerous steps for users. Several strategies can be used to reactivate public spaces, including Encouraging community participation, creating a sense of ownership, improving pedestrian accessibility, creating a sense of security, place relevance, encouraging active transportation, and improving the green areas used. Through the study of the territory by components, the integral diagnosis is proposed to obtain new urban strategies for the design of public spaces. The general objective of the project is the creation of strategic guidelines that contribute to the reactivation of public space. In conclusion, it is obtained that the application of strategies guided to the accessibility, safety, and relevance of the place would generate growth in the use of public spaces for their reactivation in 86% of the users surveyed.

Author Biographies

Paula Morán Icaza, CZ Arkdesign

Was born in the city of Babahoyo, Ecuador. He is currently a ninth semester student of Architecture at the University of Guayaquil, with a major in Urban Planning. His topics of interest are planning and territorial ordering, urban strategies for the reactivation and creation of public spaces and the construction of sustainable cities. She was part of a research project as an assistant, called Evaluation of urban form and its influence on sustainability and residential social well-being. He recently participated in the express newspaper contest 'Rescate de la Avenida Nueve de Octubre y Casco Central'.

Ariana Paulette De La Rosa Rocafuerte, CZ Arkdesign

He was born in the province of Santa Elena, Ecuador. She is a ninth semester architecture student at the University of Guayaquil, graduated from the Science program with an International Baccalaureate diploma from the Santa María del Fiat Educational Unit. He has experience in design and construction activities. He is currently taking courses to obtain urban planning mentions.

Marilyn Daniela Herrera Guaranda, CZ Arkdesign

He was born in the city of Guayaquil, province of Guayas, Ecuador. He is a student of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University of Guayaquil. She was hired to carry out a Motel project in the province of Esmeraldas. It is found in the urban planning mention of the Architecture degree.

Nirvana Rashel Reyes Miranda, CZ Arkdesign

She was born in the city of Loja, Ecuador, a ninth semester architecture student at the University of Guayaquil, graduated in science from the Military College “Héroes del 41” Comil #3. He currently works sporadically in architectural and urban design.

Anthony Carlos Burgos Vargas, CZ Arkdesign

He was born in the province of Santa Elena, Ecuador. Ninth semester architecture student at the University of Guayaquil, graduated from the Science program at the Muey Educational Unit. He has experience in construction issues and is currently studying to obtain a degree in urban planning.


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How to Cite

Morán Icaza, P., De La Rosa Rocafuerte, A. P., Herrera Guaranda, M. D., Reyes Miranda, N. R., & Burgos Vargas, A. C. (2024). Urban strategies for the reactivation of public space in the central area of Cuenca, Ecuador. Artes: Architecture, Technology and Sustainability, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.53591/ArTeS.v3.i1.1980


